Waving Goodbye to 2020, Welcoming 2021 with No Expecatations.

Hello 2021, 

Happy New Year to all my readers, I hope you all had an enjoyable christmas. It was definitely a different one for most of you I'm sure. Missing family memebers, celebrating with friends, and even the excitement of christmas wasn't quite present. But lets look on the bright side, and try keep positive. We have another year ahead of us and we can all just hope that next christmas can be spent without any restrictions and the way would of liked too this year. 

During the christmas limbo, I reflect on the past year. I look at all blog posts I have published, the photos that I toke, relive memories that were made with old video's and instagram stories. But also I look back of my New years resolutions and see how many (or if any) I had completed. It seems to always makes me feel better, like I did acheieve something I set myself, its rewarding. Now there has been some years where I didn't set any new years resoultions and just let life do its thing, and still achieved something amazing without knowing it. So I don't thinks it matters if you set yourself a New Years Resolution or not. If you feel like you don't have any, then you don't have any, just be and see where life takes you.

To me a New Years Resolution is not a 'thing' I want or need, it isn't a goal I set myself. It's a way of thinking, state of mind, an afirmation, what I have learn from last year and want to change in my life going forward. Last Year I needed 'Balance and Space' in all areas of my life and I think 2020 gave that to me. 

So this year my 2021 New Years Resolution is...

 "Having no expectations, just accept what is and trust my intuition." 

Which I feel is a good way of thinking going to 2021, as we are still living in a pandemic, where anything can happen, both good and very bad whichever way you want to look at it. Plus I helps to have no expectations, your never disappointed, let down and you can take each day as it comes. Learning to listen to my intutuition, that gut feel, thoses bad vibes, you know thoses one? sometimes we go against those feelings and things never work out, and you knew it wouldn't either? Am I right?! So why bother going there in the first place. Learning to follow your intutition can be the most hardest things in life as society may not agree, relationships may suffer, and life may turn upside down. It can be scary sometimes, but we all know those sayings when a big shift happens? 'What will be will be', 'everything happens for a reason' and 'what is for you want pass you'. For me learning the word No, and saying it when I felt those bad vibes has been my biggest lesson of 2020. Last years New Year resoution was creating balance in my life, in all the different parts, work, social, "me time", health, family etc. So I could enjoy it all, and not be consumed from just one that others suffered from. Which I can say confidently I have found balance in my life and also found space, to allow for new relationships and oportunites to happen. 

As for Goal setting for 2021, I'm on that aswell, with the help of my Head Plan Planner that I got as a christmas present, I have written down my long term and short term goals for 2021. Not many this year, as I'm still sticking with my new year resoultion of having no expectations. So I'm not going to write them here either, they are just for me and my planner to know. Because if I do, you will have that expectation for me. So instead, I'll give you my Top 5 of things in 2020 and we'll focus on the poistive things that happened, to appriecate them, give them one last good look, then finally say thank you and goodbye to 2020. 

Life Lessons we learnt in 2020 

1. Patience, Relaxing, Communicating, Appreication, Awarness, Change, Gratitude.

2. Your Health is your Wealth, Physically and Mentally. 

3. Time is a gift, spend it doing something that makes you happy or with someone you love.

4. Anything is possible, even the impossible.

5. Docters, Nurses, frontline workers are the real Superhero's of the World. 

My Top 5 Blog posts of 2020

1. 10 Nail & Hand Care Tips - During COVID19 

2. Quarantine Make up Hacks I found on Tik Tok, Instagram, Youtube

3. Your a Hero! Giveaway. 

4. Coping and Adapting to the new normal 

5. 10 Nail Care Tips - for an 'At home' Manicure

My Top 5 Achievments of 2020

1. Starting a New Job, changing my work enivironment was so important for my stress levels, and my health. So I found the same job but in a different environment with like minded people, and found balance. Which was my 2020 New Years Resolution. 

2. Giving up cigarettes, after smoking for 17 years. I have been wanting to give up this dirty habbit for years, and never could quite do it. Because I enjoyed it, because everyone around me did it, because I felt normal, it was an escape from stressful situations, it toke away my worries, calmed me when I was anxious. But they are all excuses I used over the years, but now I can say I dont smoke and so happy to say it out loud. This was a Goal I set for 2020. 

3. Buying a Laptop, for me that was big purchase, the thought of investing in myself and my dreams scared me for a long time becasue I didn't beleive in myself worth. Finding my self worth was another goal I set for 2020. 

4. My Nail Art, the first lockdown gave me the chance to get back to basics, get back to what I love, finding my type of therapy. Just having the time to play, to paint, to think outside the box, to fall in love with a passion again. My Instagram Nail Art video series collectivlty was viewed 5,000 times in 2020. 

5. Asking a Docter for help, I struggle with anxiety and I have been for years not knowing what it is, and why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Now I can say that 2019 was a dark year, and there was plenty more dark years, times and situations throughout my life. But 2020 gave me the time to face it, to learn about mental health. That was the first step, asking for help was a achievement. 

5 things I am Gratful for

1. Amazing relationships with my friends and family. They kept me sane through it all. 

2. Having a garden, fresh air, living in the countryside, being able to explore my 5km radius safely. 

3. Delivery men and woman, Yes I am gratful for them! 

4. To still have a job while in a pandemic

5. Toilet Roll and food, Yes I'm joking but I am gratful for the essential every day things in life.

As the Head Plan planner says "end each day by saying what your grateful for." So I'll end this blog post with a thank you for reading, and also for the support or even the interest in my little blog. 2021 brings a new decade for me, as I turn 30 this year!! Like what? so when I wave goodbye to 2020, I'm also waving goodbye to my 20's, and welcoming in a fresh new decade to look forward too. I have a good feeling about this one. 

I'm not sure when I'll be back with the next blog post, or how often I would like to publish, like I said I've no expectations so we'll see what happens. I do post daily on Instagram, so if you like beach walks, unboxing deliveries, creative lockdown projects, nail art, beauty or daily quotes, there will be plenty of that over there, I would really appreicate a follow too, come say hello! @Miss_Styler_Blog

See you there, 

with Love Steff 

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