10 Nail Care tips for Happy Feet

1. Don't Cut Toe Nails Short.

To Prevent ingrowing toe nails, just trim the nail to a comfortable length. You want to still see the white tip of the nail. This gives the nail a path to grow from, therefore it doesn't take the wrong path in the direction where it could lead to an ingrowing toe nail and causes pain.

2. Soak those Feet

Do it weekly! Help soothe achy, cold and tired feet. Promote blood circulation, and body warmth. Adding some ingredients like Epson salts or essential oils will benefits too.  

3. Spikey Massage Balls

To give yourself a little foot massage everyday for bed. A great stress reliever, you will find your whole body will relax, be less tense and you'll full asleep alot quicker. Even add then into your foot soak? I bought a few from Home store & more, keep them beside my bed, and roll out the soles of my feet as I'm settling down for the night. Here are some similar ones >>

4. Get Regular Pedicures

How many times have you been on your feet today? I'll say more times than you can count, am I right? Take more care of your feet, a professional pedicure should be done every 1-2 months, and don't be afraid to invest in good pedicure kit to use at home too.

5. Nail polish is Best

To Prevent de-hydration on the toes that can lead to fungal infections, when gel polish has been kept on the nails for a long period of time. The recommended period of time for gel polish on toes is 2 weeks. Professionally remove gel polish on toes when advised. Or just opt for regularly nail polish, as this allows the nail to breathe better then gel polish. 

6. Check for fungal Infections

Regularly check for fungal infections on toe nails. Its very common and but can easily spread through the house to. Look out for yellow/green coloring, odor and identify the area of the nail infected. By using a soft buffer block, buff over the area, if the bad coloring doesn't buff away its more likely to be a fungal infection. Consult with your nail tech, as she will give guidance and advise on how to treat it. Oh and remember this rule 'socks before jocks'.

7. Crushed Crystal Foot Files

We all suffer with dry and hard skin on the heels and balls of the feet. So picking the right foot file to smooth down that hard skin is quite hard as there is so many options out there? Well I will say stay away from the 'cheese graters', or anything metal. Try out the gritty, crushed crystal foot file that comes with replaceable pads. It will be give you a smoother finish for longer.

8. Stretch & Exercise 

Simple Daily stretches can help with blood circulation, nerve system, release tension and help with balance. Try it now? Try grab a towel or scarf with your toes. 

9.Wear shoes that fit properly

Shoes that are too tight can cause long-term foot problems. Shop for shoes at the end of the day to compensate for foot swelling that occurs later in the day, and wear the same type of socks or hosiery you’ll be wearing with the shoes. Choose a broad, rounded shoe with plenty of room for your toes and a wide, stable heel. Avoid pointy shoes, which can cramp your toes and cause ingrown toenails and calluses.

10. Dry & Moisturize

Keeping good foot hygiene, is key for happy feet. Wash your feet daily, and dry thoroughly, don't forget in between your toes. Also massage a foot cream or oils daily.

View more like this on the '10 Nail Care tips' blog post series.

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