My New Year's Resolutions and Goals for 2016

Hello All, 

How is everyone? This is my first 2016 Blog post, and looking back on how Miss Styler Blog has grown I'm quite proud and overwhelm with it. I still feel it can improve more and I can still perfect bits to it, so I will do so as its still only in its first year. But I want to thank you all for supporting Miss Styler Blog and giving me the feedback I needed to help make Miss Styler Better! 

So it's 2016, Another Year gone and what have we learnt? What has changed in our lives? Is our lives better and happier? What goals have we achieved? I bet you all had alot of changes in your lives in 2015 but I can also bet you can only remember a handful of them? or none! I can't even remember what my 2015 New Year Resolution was or if I even have one. So you not alone! 

So to change this habit, I am now going set 12 goals every Year (why 12? there's 12 months of the year, and well that's enough Blahaha!) and write them all down here so by the end of 2016 I can look back and see what I have achieved. Why do this? Its a positive act put on myself to appreciate the small things in life, a chance to be proud of the hard work I have put in, realize what works for me or what doesn't and also change negative things in my life that just make me unhappy. So why Not! 

1. Declutter, organize and Cleanse my Bedroom Monthly.

Now I did do this often in the past few years, but I still hauled old things like clothes that don't fit anymore, gifts and photo's from old boyfriends, bits and bobs from like 5 years ago? 
That just gather dust, have no purpose and some old energy. (old energy - brings back old memories that can be good or bad, but its in the past which I need to move forward on). So I have cleaned out my wardrobes and storage spaces, organised what I want to keep that will help me in the future, what I can put in the attic and what I can get rid of. I've quite a spiritual soul and have been told by many spiritual workers that I am very sensitive to energy and can be very empathetic at times, so when I had everything cleaned out I did feel lighter and a heaviness lifted from me, I definitely slept sounder since. 
My bedroom is now a calm, peaceful place where all my daily stresses and worries do not enter, so each morning I wake up motivated, happier and ready for the day. 

2. My New Office. 

So having a blog can be quite stressful at times, I could have ideas flowing in my mind while I'm trying to sleep and a 'to do' list? So to keep my bedroom free of all this, I decided to convert my Brother's old bedroom into a mini Office. Its only a small box room in the house with all my brother's bits that he has left behind, its only used as a guest bedroom at the minute. But Now its going to be a place where I can get lost in writing, plan things for the blog and also get that 'To Do' list done. 

3. My Fitness Goal

OK its January and everyone starts at the gym to lose those Christmas pounds and to feel better about themselves, which is great!! But I have no interest in Gyms or losing weight. My Fitness goal this year is to keep my back mobilized by swimming once or twice a week. I suffer from back pain daily and mild scoliosis, which I get treated by a chiropractor every second month but as I'm in a Hair and beauty industry I need to gain strength in my back and shoulders to help me sleep at ease each night. Plus I love the water, and could spend hours in it. 

4. Delete, Organize, Back up my Laptop.

I have been meaning to do this for a while now. Organize My photos, Organize My Documents, Delete Old programmes that slow down the performance of the laptop. My laptop will be six years old this year, it can not work without being plugged in. If it decided to give up on me, die, break or anything, my Photo's and documents from the last 5years of my life (School, college, Big birthdays etc) will be gone!! 
So NOTE TO SELF buy a back up system and Back up!! 

5. Remove Negativity from Facebook

I think this one is a must for everyone? Do you have friends that always complain in their status? Do you have Negative posts from 'like' pages? How many Facebook Friends are really your friends? Have you looked at your private settings lately? When I asked myself these questions, I was shocked and now need to change my Facebook Feed, profile, and private settings ASAP! 
Like more Page's that post positive, inspiration and motivating status's. Like more pages that really interest me and not to be just entered in a competition. Just make my Facebook News feed much more positive and happier to look at. 

6. Perfect the Blog

So I have seen what Miss Styler readers like about each blog post and what they don't like. What type of blog post is more popular and what isn't. This year I will perfect the things that do work and will work on what I am doing wrong to the posts that are not getting the most views. (My name is Stephanie, I am a Perfectionist!) So as a Blog can be quite personal, this goal is a personal and practical one, which could take some time. But that's ok too. 

7. Learn, Perfect and Grow a career. 

In 2015, I left a Hairdressing job to start a New job as a full time Nail technician. I'm enjoying it so much and have even been giving so much responsibilities, opportunities and support from my new employer. I really enjoy it and love going to work every day. Yes, I have stressful days, and bad days as does everyone else, but wanting to be there and having interest in the work you do makes the stress easy to handle. So my goals in work is to, Perfect my work, learn something new, and grow myself into becoming Nail expect. 

8. Opening my Heart to New People. 

I'm setting this personal goal for myself to open up to new people or to open up more to those around me at the moment. I have had alot of Heartbreak, disappointment, and energy wasted on people in my life. Which now I put up an invisible wall to protect myself from it, and as a result I gain negative thoughts against that person. Which isn't good, it doesn't allow me to compromise, or even have patience. So its going to be a hard one to change, but I am going to try! 
Yea never know I could fall in love and live happily ever after, Watch this Space! 

9. Go on a Sunday Drive

I work 5 days a week and one day is to catch up on my 'To do' list or work on the blog. So I've decided on a Sunday there is no talk of work, the 'To do' list can wait and I am not going to be lazy and sit around in my PJ's all day either. 
I will get up, get in the car and drive somewhere. Every Sunday I will visit and see something new. Sunday is Now going to be a Funday, and not going to be a Lazy day anymore. 

10. Start a New Project

I haven't decided on what the New project is just yet, but Santa brought me a New Canon Camera! It will be something Creative, but will see. 

11. Be selfless 

Only on days I need to recharge, clear my mind, focus on my health and well being. We can't do everything at the one time or else we burn out. So be selfless every once in a while, learn the word no, learn when to stop and learn to look after your well being. 

12. Buy a diesel Car

Just because the price of Petrol in Ireland is Ridiculous. I like to get around, love driving and having my independents. But also would like to do it cheaper if possible. 
Maybe a White Ford Focus? hhmm.. 

Well that's it folks, my New Year Resolutions and Goals for 2016. 
Some hard, some easy!
But I hope to reach each one by the end of the year, I will do a review in December to see if I have reached the 12 goals or if I haven't. 
It Will be interesting to see! 

Let Me know what 2016 Goals you have set for yourself, or if they are similar to mine? 

Talk you soon, 

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